Saturday, August 15, 2015

Sites & Places in Jerusalem: The Western Wall

Sites & Places in Jerusalem:
The Western Wall

Jerusalem SitesTable of Contents | The Temple Mount | Archaeological Sites


Western Wall Tunnels

Archaeological Discoveries

Photographs of Israel:
The Western Wall

Photographs of IsraelTable of Contents | Historic Jerusalem | Historic Tel Aviv

Early 1900's

Modern Times

Pope John Paul II's pilgrimage to the Wall (March 2000)

IDF paratroopers gather at the Wall (June 1967)

Sources: Old Wall photos and aerial view courtesy of Israeli Government Press Office
Kotel photos from early 1900s, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division 
Modern Wall photos courtesy of Jack Hazut, J.H.M. Photography

Archaeological Discoveries:
6th Century Engraved Gold Artifacts Unearthed in Jerusalem

(September 2013)

ArchaeologyTable of Contents | Recent Discoveries (2013) | What is Archaeology?

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In September 2013, Hebrew University archeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar unveiled the "Ophel Treasure" - a collection of 36 gold coins and a large gold medallion believed to date back to 614 CE that were unearthed approximately 50 meters from the southern wall of the Temple Mount inJerusalem.
The medallion, 10 centimeters long and remarkably well kept, is engraved with a seven-branched menorah, a shofar and a Torah scroll. Dr. Mazar said the medallion was likely used as an adornment for a Torah scroll.  The medallion was found buried in a small depression in the floor along with a smaller gold medallion, two pendants, a gold coin and silver clasp. Also found with the coins were a pair of large gold earrings, a gold-plated silver hexagonal prism and a silver ingot.
Given the date of the coins and medallion, Mazar estimated they were abandoned during the Persian conquest of Jerusalem in 614 CE.
"I consider this so important, as it relates to King David and shows the biblical story," she added. "[The findings are] a breathtaking, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."
According to Lior Sandberg, a numismatics specialist at the Institute of Archeology, the Ophel Treasure is only the third collection of gold coins to be found in archeological excavations in Jerusalem.
In a statement released by his office, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the treasure "a magnificent discovery." He also said, "It attests to the ancient Jewish presence and the to sanctity of this place ... This is historic testimony, of the highest order, to the Jewish people's link to Jerusalem, to its land and to its heritage."

Sources: Jerusalem Post (September 9, 2013); Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ancient Jewish History:
The Temples (Beit HaMikdash)

Ancient Jewish HistoryTable of Contents | Twelve Tribes | Two Kingdoms

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Artists rendering of Solomon's Temple

First Temple (10th Century- 587 BCE)

Second Temple (516 BCE - 70 CE)

Artifacts & Activites




  1. A heavenly maiden with an orb of gold
    Sits by the Mediterranean Sea
    She gazes at the sailors and ships
    That pass by for eternity
    Who are you? fair maiden, they ask
    What is your pedigree
    I am a Jew, she answers, and that's my destiny
    I am called Israel born of steel and fire
    I have gathered my children from many lands afar
    From East and West and South and North
    They came in multitude
    And they have made me what I am
    In everlasting gratitude
    I am their mother and they are my children
    That's how we both feel
    Israel (my name) is a reality
    That adversity could not kill.

  2. hi my name is jack hazut my web sit is you have been using my photo without my permission please contact me

    Jack Hazut
    Photos from Israel and the world
