Sunday, August 16, 2015

A collection of historical quotations relating to the Arab refugees

1947 Text of Law drafted by Political Committee of Arab League 

A collection of historical quotations relating to the Arab refugees

A collection of historical quotations relating to the Arab refugees: 
Collected by Moshe Kohn
ON APRIL 23, 1948 Jamal Husseini, acting chairman of the Palestine Arab Higher Committee (AHC), told the UN Security Council: "The Arabs did not want to submit to a truce ... They preferred to abandon their homes, belongings and everything they possessed."
ON SEPTEMBER 6, 1948, the Beirut Daily Telegraph quoted Emil Ghory, secretary of the AHC, as saying: "The fact that there are those refugees is the direct consequence of the action of the Arab states in opposing partition and the Jewish state. The Arab states agreed upon this policy unanimously..."
ON JUNE 8, 1951, Habib Issa, secretary-general of the Arab League, wrote in the New York Lebanese daily al-Hoda that in 1948, Azzam Pasha, then League secretary, had "assured the Arab peoples that the occupation of Palestine and of Tel Aviv would be as simple as a military promenade ... Brotherly advice was given to the Arabs of Palestine to leave their land, homes and property, and to stay temporarily in neighboring fraternal states." 
IN THE MARCH 1976 issue of Filastin a-Thaura, then the official journal of the Beirut-based PLO, Mahmoud Abbas ("Abu Mazen"), PLO spokesman, wrote: "The Arab armies entered Palestine to protect the Palestinians from the Zionist tyranny but, instead, they abandoned them, forced them to emigrate and to leave their homeland, and threw them into prisons similar to the ghettos in which the Jews used to live."
ON APRIL 9, 1953, the Jordanian daily al-Urdun quoted a refugee, Yunes Ahmed Assad, formerly of Deir Yassin, as saying: "For the flight and fall of the other villages, it is our leaders who are responsible, because of the dissemination of rumors exaggerating Jewish crimes and describing them as atrocities in order to inflame the Arabs ... they instilled fear and terror into the hearts of the Arabs of Palestine until they fled, leaving their homes and property to the enemy."
ANOTHER refugee told the Jordanian daily a-Difaa on September 6, 1954: "The Arab governments told us, 'Get out so that we can get in.' So we got out, but they did not get in."
THE JORDANIAN daily Filastin wrote on February 19, 1949: "The Arab states... encouraged the Palestinian Arabs to leave their homes temporarily in order to be out of the way of the Arab invasion armies."
ON OCTOBER 2, 1948, the London Economist reported, in an eyewitness account of the flight of Haifa's Arabs: "There is little doubt that the most potent of the factors [in the flight] were the announcements made over the air by the Arab Higher Executive urging all Arabs in Haifa to quit ... And it was clearly intimated that those Arabs who remained in Haifa and accepted Jewish protection would be regarded as renegades."
THE PRIME Minister of Syria in 1948, Khaled al-Azem, in his memoirs, published in 1973, listed what he thought were the reasons for the Arab failure in 1948: " ... the fifth factor was the call by the Arab governments to the inhabitants of Palestine to evacuate it and leave for the bordering Arab countries ... We brought destruction upon a million Arab refugees by calling on them and pleading with them to leave their land."
"FOLLOWING a visit to refugees in Gaza, a British diplomat reported the following: 'But while they express no bitterness against the Jews...they speak with the utmost bitterness of the Egyptians and other Arab states: 'We know who our enemies are,' they will say, and they are referring to their Arab brothers who, they declare, persuaded them unnecessarily to leave their homes." -
British Foreign Office Document #371/75342/XC/A/4991 [From "Revising or Devising Israel's History" by Prof. Shlomo Slonim in Jewish Action, Summer 5760/2000, Vol. 60 #4] 
The 1920 San Remo Conference
On the question of boundaries, (French diplomat) Philippe Berthelot outlined the French position for the northern, eastern and southern frontiers of Syria. As regards Palestine, he said her frontiers would conform to the definition advocated by (British Prime Minister) Lloyd George, who favoured the ancient boundaries of Dan and Beersheba, as previously discussed at the first London Conference of February 1920. This Biblical formula was based on the historical connection of the Jewish People with the entire Land of Israel and was not to be construed literally from Dan to Beersheba, but rather referred in effect to those areas of the Promise Land that had been conquered, settled and ruled by the Twelve Tribes of Israel and their descendants, in both the First and Second Temple periods.1.

…In his remarks, Lloyd George recalled that former French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau, when he was in London on December 1, 1918, had agreed to his suggestion that the limits of Palestine should be fixed by the ancient towns of Dan and Beersheba…Lloyd George relied on a book written by the Scottish Biblical scholar Rev. George Adam Smith, which he regarded as the ablest book on Palestine ever written..2. 

1. The minutes of the San Remo Peace Conference drawn up at the session held on April 25, 1920 make it clear that this is what Lloyd George actually meant when he defined Palestine according to the biblical formula "Dan to Beersheba,  as appears from his documented reliance on George Adam Smith’s scholarly works to determine the exact territorial extent of ancient Israelite habitation and rule. He included in
Palestine all the land historically settled or occupied by Jews in the First and Second Temple Periods. This is confirmed by the third recital in the Preamble of the Mandate, which refers to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and is further evidenced by Colonel Richard  Meinertzhagen who recalled, in his book, the statement made by Lloyd George in Paris in 1919 regarding the true meaning  of "Palestine": "The area occupied by the twelve tribes of Israel, from Dan to Beersheba. Middle east Diary, Thomas Yoseloff, Publisher, New York, p.355

2. George Adam Smith was an ordained Scottish minister and scholar of the Bible, as well as the principal of the
University of Aberdeen  (1909-35). He wrote a book about the topography, economics and history of Jerusalem from the earliest times to 70 A.D.(CE) and several commentaries on books of the Bible.  His main works which the British consulted for determining Palestine’s borders and which won high praise from Lloyd George were  The Historical Geography of the Holy Land which appeared in 25 editions beginning in 1894, followed by the publication of the Atlas of the Historical Geography of the Holy Land in 1915. These books were the outcome of detailed observation and investigation made in Palestine.  They also proved invaluable to General Edwin Allenby in the Palestine campaign in World War I 

YJ Draiman
Following WWII a large number of small territories became decolonized and became states. This added a large number of very small states to the UN. With one state, one vote, (no matter what the size of the state) these additions permitted the Afro-Asian and Soviet blocs to dominate the vote in the UN General Assembly. But the UNGA only recommended – it was not intended to be a world legislature. If all parties in dispute agreed, they could sign a treaty. That would be International Law.
Russia had turned against Israel because it saw Israel as a barrier to its domination of the oil of the Middle East, and, as a consequence to hegemony over Western Europe. It tried to exploit the Arab hatred of the Balfour Declaration, the Palestine Mandate and the existence of Israel. It was able to enact in the UN Electronic copy available at: a resolution promoting the “inalienable rights of the Palestinian People” without any examination of whether there was a Palestinian People or what their rights were and then was able to form a UN “Committee for the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People’.
The committee commenced writing a report entitled Origin and Evolution of the Palestine Problem relying on work of an Arab Lawyer named Henry Cattan who had been a member of the Arab Higher Committee. That committee had been led by Haj Amin al Husseini the grand mufti of Jerusalem. Husseini had been a friend of Adolph Hitler. He told the Germans that if they wanted to reward him for his help, they could, when they prevailed in WW2, give him permission to liquidate all the Jews in Palestine.
Cattan had also represented the Arabs in the 1947 UNSCOP hearings. His work, and that of his friend W.T. Mallison was relied on in the first part of Origin and Evolution etc. covering 1917 to 1947. In 1979 his friend Mallison, who had written the foreword of Cattan’s book “The Palestine Problem”, at the request of the UN Committee, wrote a legal opinion based on the Major Resolutions of the UN General Assembly. It concluded that the Jews were, under international law, engaged in illegal occupation of Judea, Samaria, East Jerusalem and Gaza. However their opinion was not based on genuine International Law as the Resolutions of the General Assembly are mere recommendations. They can only become International Law if the recommendations are accepted by all parties and all parties sign a treaty incorporating the recommendations. This wasn’t done with the Partition Resolution. Nonetheless, Mallison’s opinion was published in pamphlet form by the Committee and it received wide publicity.
An Australian lawyer named Julius Stone, widely acclaimed as an authority on international law, was so outraged by the gross distortion of international law that he published a criticism of it entitled: Israel Palestine: Assault on the Law of Nations. He showed that the Resolutions the opinion were based on were not International Law but mere recommendations that died at birth when the Partition Resolution, No. 181 of 1947 died at birth because it was rejected by the Arabs. Stone also showed that it was pretty far fetched to believe that any group claiming to be a people could empower the UN to redraw the boundaries of a sovereign state. He showed that the Jewish People already had sovereignty based on the San Remo Resolution and the Palestine Mandate.
Long before the time the natural law on the self-determination of a people had been adopted as international law, the British Policy to recognize Jewish political self-determination in Palestine had evolved into international law. It became law first at San Remo, and then as the Palestine Mandate, a treaty approved by 53 states. That was to give the Jews initially an equitable interest in the political rights to Palestine. It gave them the right to close settlement on the land, but placed the rights in trust until the Jews were able to muster a majority, by immigration from the diaspora. When the Jews were in the majority, and could carry out the obligations of sovereignty, the political rights, carrying with them the right of establishing a Jewish Government, would vest in World Jewry. You can find the details of all of this in an opinion I have prepared entitled Claims of the Jewish and Arab People to the Right of Self-Determination in Palestine.
First, treaties, and second, long standing practices accepted by most states are the stuff of International Law. Mallison tried to cram into the second category the partition of Palestine even though states barely approved the Partition Resolution with the aid of the Russian bloc and soon thereafter Russia had turned against the Partition. After WW2 the rights of a people to self-determination that had been only natural law, became adopted as international law in the 1970s.
However in each instance, the lawyers inserted in this legislation the legal code words “sovereign equality” that meant that the territorial integrity of each sovereign state must be preserved. That caution was ignored in Mallison’s opinion coming out of the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People. So when the Palestinian People assert their inalienable rights to self-determination, they will find doing so will interfere with the rights of territorial integrity of a preexisting state, the Jewish People’s state and that right is paramount.
Russia also pushed the view that Jewish settlements were outlawed by the 4th Geneva Convention that prohibited states from deporting or transferring people. But it wanted to apply this theory to people who weren’t being transferred – they had decided themselves they wanted to move and it would violate their human rights to prevent them. And in any event the land designated to be kept clear was land under a “belligerent occupation” that had had a legitimate sovereign, not just any land under a Military Occupation. And the land had been liberated by Israel in 1967 in a defensive war was from an illegal occupier, Jordan, who had gained it in an aggressive war in1948. Israel’s occupation was not a “belligerent occupation”. In 1967 it still owned the political rights to all Palestine west of the Jordan. Jordan was not a legitimate sovereign over territories on the west bank of the Jordan River and wasn’t recognized as such even by the members of the Arab League.
Russia is now cooking on the front burners and will likely come up with still another reason that the land belongs to the Arabs or anyone but the Jews. Just look at the stories they are cooking up in the Ukraine.

YJ Draiman
The Law of Return is for The Jews and reciprocating equity by the Arabs
The Law of Return is for The Jews, the option to return to Greater Israel and The Arab-Palestinians to leave Greater Israel and return to the Arab countries they originated from. The Arab-Palestinians should move to the Million plus Jewish homes confiscated by the Arab countries from the expelled Jewish people and the 120,440 sq. km. of Real property the Arabs confiscated from the million plus Jewish families and their children expelled from Arab countries. That is the only viable alternative.
Face it and stop hallucinating, once and for all. There will never be an
Arab-Palestinian State in Greater Israel West of the Jordan River (Judea and Samaria). Jerusalem the United Eternal Capital of the Jewish people.
Responding to arguments that million Jews expelled from Arab countries has no bearing on the Arabs who left
Palestine or Arabs displaced from Jewish land and or formerly Ottoman government land has nothing to do with each other. The law of equity in not a one way street, it works both ways. The Arab nations that expelled the million Jewish families (who lived in the Arab countries for over 2500 years and owned 120,440 sq. km. of land, homes, businesses and personal assets valued in the trillions of dollars) are the ones supporting the Arab-Palestinians in demanding law of return and compensation. Those Arab countries are financing the Arab-Palestinians in their quest to eject the Jews a second time from their own ancestral homeland. The best and only solution is a population transfer.
YJ Draiman

"It should be remembered that in 1918, with the fall of the Ottoman Empire, Britain and France were handed more than 5,000,000 square miles to divvy up and 99% was given to the Arabs to create countries that did not exist previously. Less than 1% was given as a Mandate for the re-establishment of a state for the Jews on both banks of the Jordan River. In 1921, to appease the Arabs once again, and in violation of international treaties, another three quarters of that less than 1% was given to a fictitious state called Trans-Jordan."  

"It should be remembered that in 1918, with the fall of the Ottoman Empire, Britain and France were handed more than 5,000,000 square miles to divvy up and 99% was given to the Arabs to create countries that did not exist previously. Less than 1% was given as a Mandate for the re-establishment of a state for the Jews on both banks of the Jordan River. In 1921, to appease the Arabs once again, another three quarters of that less than 1% was given to a fictitious state called Trans-Jordan."  

It is evident, therefore, that the “refugee problem” in Israel consists of the failure of the Arabs to pay compensation to the one million Jews who were driven out of their homelands for thousands of years by the Arab hate mongers.

And There were riots prior to
Israel existing. Simply wounding or killing Jews because there was a chance that Israel would exist.

Go on. Tell me that 6 Times the land of Israel taken from the persecuted and expelled Jewish families and personal assets confiscated, businesses, homes and Jewish-owned real-estate forced to leave behind in Arab lands has been estimated at 120,440 square kilometers (6 times the size of the State of Israel). Valued today in the trillions of dollars isn't "Abusing" them. Its just your regular old nationalizing right? No racial hatred at all I am sure. Not to mention they were productive citizens who had no interest in moving to
Palestine or they would have already done so (and wouldn't have been so bloody rich) "If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you'd best teach it to dance." - George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) 

Text of Law drafted by Political Committee of Arab League 

1. Beginning with November 28, 1947, all Jewish citizens of (Name of Arab Country) will be considered as members of the Jewish minority State of Palestine and will have to register with the authorities of the region wherein they reside, giving their names, the exact number of members in their families, their addresses, the names of their banks and the amounts of their deposits in these banks. This formality is to be accomplished within seven days.

2. Beginning with (
November 28, 1947), bank accounts of Jews will be frozen. These funds will be utilized in part or in full to finance the movement of resistance to Zionist ambitions in Palestine.

3. Beginning with (
November 28, 1947), only Jews who are subjects of foreign countries will be considered as "neutrals". These will be compelled either to return to their countries, with a minimum of delay, or be considered as Arabs and obliged to accept active service with the Arab army.

4. Jews who accept active service in Arab armies or place themselves at the disposal of those armies, will be considered as "Arabs".

5. Every Jew whose activities reveal that he is an active Zionist will be considered as a political prisoner and will be interned in places specifically designated for that purpose by police authorities or by the Government. His financial resources, instead of being frozen, will be confiscated.

6. Any Jew who will be able to prove that his activities are anti-Zionist will be free to act as he likes, provided that he declares his readiness to join the Arab armies.

7. The foregoing (para.6) does not mean that those Jews will not be submitted to paragraphs 1 and 2 of this law.

P.S. In the ICC Israel can start filing criminal charges against the Arab-Palestinians for the murder and terror the Arab-Palestinians committed against
Israel and the Jewish people. The Israeli lawyers have previous experience in such matters. I am sure they can file a few thousand cases going back to 1948.


Arab Muslims are killing each other by the thousands every week, all in the name of religion. ISIS  is beheading anyone who objects to their Muslim religious doctrine and rules. The Middle East is a mess. I don’t think there’s a person reading this article who doesn’t understand the mess and the danger that looms over the Middle East. You might be inclined to think I was referring to the mess between Israel and what is commonly called Palestine. NOPE! The Middle East is much bigger than a country whose area is a small 13,000 sq. km. Some of you might not even know what the Middle East looks like. So here you go; a map of the Middle East. Try to find Israel

Israel is the small sliver like peach colored area between Egypt and Syria (might be a bit difficult to see) Israel consists of only 1% of the over 5 million square miles of territory given to the Arabs after WWI.

Enough boring facts, let’s get to the chase. The whole world is screaming at Israel for liberating occupying Palestine.  A treacherous story is told. The Zionists came into Palestine and with great cruelty ran the Arab-Palestinians out of their prosperous thousand year old State. If this were true I would probably be a pro Palestine supporter myself! How can one possible sit by and watch a nation that was stripped of their land by various intruding forces?!  Unfortunately for them and very fortunate for the people of Israel the story of this great land is quite different.


Let’s go back to the beginning. No, not to Abraham or Moses, I am not going to bore you with bible facts, which would be too easy. Let’s go back to when Palestine was first founded. No, it was not an Arab country or State; in fact it had absolutely nothing to do with the Arabs.

In 539 B.C. the Persians conquered the Babylonians. The Jewish Temple, destroyed by the Babylonians, was rebuilt (516 BC). Under Persian rule the Jewish state enjoyed considerable autonomy. Alexander the Great of Macedonia, conquered the area in 333 BC His successors, the Ptolemites and Seleucids, contested for control. The attempt of the Seleucid Antiochus IV (Antiochus Epiphanes) to impose Hellenism brought a Jewish revolt under the Maccabees, who set up a new Jewish state in 142 BC The state lasted until 63 BC, when Pompey conquered the region for Rome

When Jesus  was around, the Jewish state was ruled by puppet kings of the Romans, the Herods. When the Jews revolted in 66 AD, the Romans destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem (70 AD). The Bar Kokba revolt between 132 and 135 AD was also suppressed, Jericho and Bethlehem were destroyed, and most of the Jews were barred from Jerusalem. The Roman Emperor Hadrian determined to wipe out the identity of Israel-Judah-Judea. Therefore, he took the name Palastina and imposed it on all the Land of Israel. At the same time, he changed the name of Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina. The Romans killed many Jews and sold many more in slavery. Those Jews who survived some hid in various areas of Israel and some left the devastated country (and established Jewish communities throughout the Middle East) but there was never a complete abandonment of the Land of Israel, many adhered to the Jewish code of living in Israel, no matter the obstacles. 

In other words when the Roman empire conquered and occupied the Land of Israel from the JEWS they renamed it Palestine in a trying attempt to strip the Nation of Israel from their natural right to the land of Israel. 
It always makes me laugh that Arabs use the same name as the Romans with the same goal in mind; to try to strip the Jews of their natural and unquestionable right to the Complete Land of Israel!

Let’s fast forward a bit to the last empire to occupy Israel-Palestine. From 1517-1917 Turkey's Ottoman Empire controlled a vast Arab empire, a portion of which is today Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Palestine, which was mostly barren and desolate.  During World War I (1914-1918), Turkey supported Germany.

When Germany was defeated, so were the Turks. In 1916 control of the southern portion of their Ottoman Empire was "mandated" to France and Britain under the Sykes-Picot Agreement, which divided the Arab region into zones of influence. Lebanon and Syria were assigned (mandated) to France... and "Palestine" (today's Jordan, Israel and "West Bank") plus Iraq was mandated to Great Britain.  

The fact is that no other peoples had ever established a national homeland in "Palestine" since the Jews were exiled 2,000 years before, the British "looked favorably" upon the reestablish of a Jewish National Homeland throughout ALL of Palestine formerly Jewish ancestral land. The Jews had already begun mass immigration into Palestine in the 1880's in an effort to redevelop the desolated territory and rid the land of swamps and malaria and prepare for the rebirth of Israel. This Jewish effort to revitalize the land attracted an equally extra large immigration of Arabs from neighboring areas who were drawn by employment opportunities and healthier living conditions. There was never any attempt to "rid" the area of what few indigenous Arabs there were or those Arab masses that immigrated into this area along with the Jews! 
This is what Palestine looked like during the British Mandate for Palestine.

The Balfour declaration of 1917 clearly states the Establishment of a Jewish homeland in the area known as Palestine. There was no split between the West and East bank of the Jordan River and the Jewish State was to be established on what was known as British Palestine, all of it with no exception as per the 1920 San Remo Treaty which was confirmed by the Treaty of Sevres and Lausanne.

Although Britain promised a Jewish homeland throughout the area known as Palestine and was so accepted it as its duty under international treaties and agreements. His Majesty as trustee violated those international treaties and betrayed those duties and legal obligation and promises in 1922.

In September 1922 the Council of the League of Nations (which has no authority to over-ride or modify international Treaties and agreements violated the treaties) recognized Transjordan as a state under the British Mandate and Transjordan memorandum excluded the territories east of the River Jordan from all of the provisions of the mandate dealing with Jewish settlement (The British wanted to appease the Arabs and gain control of the oil resources).  Furthermore, it instituted an apartheid rule that no Jews may reside or own property East of the Jordan river, which is Jordan. The country remained under British supervision until 1946, when Jordan declared its independence.
What was promised and agreed under international treaties and agreements to be the Jewish homeland of over 120,000 sq km. was now only 13,000 sq km. This deceitful betrayal of the British Mandate towards the Jews faced absolutely no consequence for their violations. There was no Jewish uprising against the British, no terrorist attacks or murders. The Jews were agreeable with the 13,000 sq. km. homeland that was now promised to them, provided no other territory was excluded and the Arabs who received Transjordan must agree to these allocation.
From 1946 the State known as Jordan occupied what was 85% of British Mandate Palestine. The West side of the Jordan River was left exclusively for the Jewish homeland. 

Things could have ended there and we all could have lived happily ever after. However the Arab-Muslim population rescinded previous agreement and was not comfortable with Jews in the area.
Over the next 20 years Arabs murdered, raped pillaged and violently terrorized Jewish communities in the area of British Palestine. The most famous of the massacres took place in the City of Hebron. 67 Jews viciously murdered by Arab rioters and their properties destroyed. The murders took place with the help of axes, rocks and knives. The Jewish population of Hebron was violently liquidated for the holy city of Hebron. Several Women were raped by Muslim rioters and others beheaded. 

Hebron Jew had his hand chopped off by an Arab axe.

On November 29th, 1947 (in violation of international treaties and agreements - The U.N. can only recommend) the General assembly of the UN adopted a plan to Partition the 15% of what was left of Palestine in order to create a SECOND Arab State in Palestine alongside a small Jewish one.

The UN’s illegal second partition of Palestine left the Jewish homeland with a mini State alongside an Arab Jordan and a second Arab State on the Eastern side of the Jordan River with a seven mile narrow strip that can cut the country in half.

This Partition plan was a violation of International treaties and agreements and a terrible slap in the face to the Zionist movement. The Jewish State would be tiny and the holy cities Jerusalem and Hebron would not be included for 10 years.
The nation of Israel had waited two thousand years to come home and were not about to miss the opportunity to rebuild the Land of Israel. With mix feelings the Jews accepted the UN partition plan which left only 6% of what was originally promised to the Jews by the British and international treaties and agreements..
Not surprisingly it was the Arabs who refused the Partition Plan. This refusal was not about land or about refugees or walls or occupation. It was about the refusal of Arabs to accept a Jewish State, anywhere and any size any time.

Let there not be any misunderstanding. It was not the Arab-Palestinian nation, State or leadership that refused the Partition. It was the Arab League. There was never an Arab Palestinian State or Government in the Area known as Palestine. This is the Major reason why the Arab League and the Arab nations are responsible for the Arab-Palestinians refugee problem. The Arab League and the Arab countries instituted a law in 1947 that all Jewish assets and properties is to be confiscated,  all Jews are to be persecuted and placed in servitude to the Arab governments. This caused the forced expulsion of a million Jewish families from Arab countries. A majority of the expelled Jewish families were resettled in Israel and today consist over half the population.

There were several official Palestinian objects and entities which would give witness to only a Jewish-Palestinian entity.
Unfortunately for those who call themselves Palestinian, all these objects and entities are JEWISH! The Palestine Post was a JEWISH newspaper as was the Bank of Palestine. In fact there is absolutely no record of anything Arab that would hint to an Arab Palestine Government or State. 
That’s simply because there never was such an entity!

This Arab-Palestinian flag did NOT exist officially till 1964

Egyptian born Yasser Arafat was the first ever Palestine Government official in history. This happened in 1964 


Top right - 1948 Arab Invasion / Top Left - 1956 Arab Invasion
Bottom Left 1967 Arab Invasion / 1973 Arab Invasion
Over the past 67 years of Israel’s existence she had to fight numerous wars. Neither of them involved an Arab-Palestinian army. 
After the 1948 Arab invasion of Israel and for the next 18 years the Arabs had control over the whole west bank aka Judea and Samaria, Golan, Gaza, Sinai and Jerusalem. In those 18 years there was never an attempt or even a request to declare an Arab- Palestinian State on the land conquered by the Arab armies.
In the Golan Heights the Jews owned thousands of acres purchased by the Rothschild's family for Jewish settlements.

This is a map of the Armistice lines after the 1948 Arab invasion of Israel. This is what is called the   ‘GREEN LINE’.  As you can see on the map the Green Line has nothing to do with an Arab-Palestinian State or rights of any kind.

Jerusalem was in the hand of Jordan, which desecrated and destroyed all Jewish Houses of worship and residences of the Jewish people in East Jerusalem, Gaza belonged to Egypt and the Golan Heights was part of Syria.
Ignoring the fact that Israel in a defensive war liberated these areas after the Arab armies attacked again in 1967, the Arab-Palestinians have absolutely nothing to do with the GREEN LINE and Israel simply never occupied an Arab Palestine.

Arab-Palestinian propaganda has lied to the world long enough. One would expect of institutions like the UN to learn from history and not allow the Arabs to fabricate it in order to intentionally hold on to an anti Israel opinions.

The 14 Lies Blocking Peace in the Middle East By: Steven Plaut 

If a Martian were suddenly to land on earth and start listening to and reading the mainstream media, he would form the impression that the entire Middle East conflict were due to Israel building some settlements in land that much of the world thinks should become a Palestinian state. A near-consensus exists among the governments of the world and among media writers that peace has yet to break out in the Middle East because of three principle reasons. The first is that the Jews and the Arabs have been unable to agree about whether there should be a Palestinian state. The second is because Israel has obstinately refused to withdraw its troops from (so-called) “occupied Arab” lands. The third is because Israel behaves cruelly towards the Palestinians.   
The Martian could easily carry these beliefs back to its home planet, as long as it did not bother to learn the background and the history of the Middle East conflict. Those three reasons cannot survive an antibiotic of familiarity with Middle East history.   
President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seem to think the idea of Palestinian statehood is the most wonderful idea to come along since the Thirteenth Amendment. And almost all world politicians, along with the Israeli Left, insist that all Israeli settlements must be removed from the West Bank because they serve as the main obstacle to peace. The reality is that the Middle East conflict has very little to do with debate over Palestinian statehood and even less to do with Israeli “settlements.” In fact Israel has agreed in principle, somewhat foolishly, to the erection of such a Palestinian state, at least subject to some security conditions and other concessions from the Palestinians -- like recognizing Israel’s right to exist. As it turns out, even so-called “moderate” Palestinians reject any such idea.   
Meanwhile debate about the Middle East conflict is based on an incredible absence of historic information and on a series of stylish misconceptions about Middle East history. The anti-Israel Lobby, which grows by the day in its maliciousness and anti-Semitism, counts on the ignorance of much of the public concerning how the Middle East got to where it is.  
Here are just a handful of popular misconceptions and their antidotes:  
1. Falsehood: Israel was erected on land that belonged to Palestinian Arabs.   
Truth: Before Israel was created its territory never belonged to Palestinian Arabs and had not been ruled by any Arabs at all since the Middle Ages. It had been a Turkish province for centuries until it was captured by Britain during World War I. The League of Nations awarded governance of “Palestine” to Britain at the end of the war in exchange for its commitment to turn the area into a Jewish homeland. The lands on which Jewish immigrants settled before Israel was created were purchased by Jews at above-market prices and in most cases had no Arabs living on them. Virtually no Arabs were evicted.   
2. Falsehood:  The Jews came to Palestine as foreigners and aliens whereas the Palestinians were the indigenous people of the territory.  
Truth:  Jews lived in “Palestine,” which is the Land of Israel or "Eretz Yisrael," continuously from the time of the Bible. Most families of “Palestinians” migrated into “Palestine,” during the same period as the Zionist waves of immigration, starting in the second half of the 19th century. The largest ethnic group in the country at the time was the Turks. The “Palestinian Arabs” in 1948 were primarily families of migrants from Lebanon and Syria. Ironically, they were motivated to become “Palestinians” in the first place thanks to the Zionist movement, which brought capital and labor into “Palestine” and improved living conditions there. Huge numbers of the names of “Palestinian” Arab villages and towns are slightly-modified Hebrew names. It is difficult to dig in the ground of “Palestine” without uncovering Jewish artifacts, some thousands of years old. Meanwhile, two-thirds of Mandatory Palestine’s territory had been sliced off in the 1920s and used to set up Jordan, an Arab Palestinian state much larger than Israel. The remaining territory, Western Palestine, was to become the Jewish homeland. That was the original “two-state solution,” the same "innovation" now being promoted for the Western third of the remaining part of Palestine.
3. Falsehood: There is no Palestinian state today because of Israeli aggression and obstinacy.  
Truth: There is no Palestinian state today because of Arab aggression and obstinacy. In late 1947, the United Nations approved by a two thirds majority a proposal to create in to create in Western "Palestine" two states to replace the British Mandatory regime there. One would be Jewish and the other a Palestinian Arab state. The Jews agreed. The Arabs rejected the idea. The Arab states launched an attack of genocidal aggression against the Jews, invaded “Palestine” and gobbled up the lands earmarked for the Arab Palestinian state. Most of those lands were then held illegally by Jordan and semi-legally by Egypt until 1967 when they were liberated by Israel in the Six Day War. The Arab world has maintained a state of war with Israel since 1948, refusing to recognize its legitimacy, and attacking Israel over and over in a series of wars and terrorism campaigns. The Arab states attacked Israel in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982, 2006, and sponsored terrorist atrocities against Jews in Israel since it was created. The reason for the attack which produced in 1948 is exactly the same thing that stands in the way of any real peace settlement today.  
4. Falsehood:  Israel conducted “ethnic cleansing” of the Palestinian Arabs in 1948-49.  
Truth:  The Arab states conducted ethnic cleansing of Jews after 1948. About a million Jews were expelled by Arab states, their property stolen, and most then became citizens of Israel. Palestinian Arabs became refugees in 1948-49 as a direct result of the Arab war of aggression against Israel, in which the Palestinians participated. The estimated number of such Arab refugees varies between 400,000 and 750,000, with the former the more likely correct estimate. Afterwards, many were quietly allowed to return to Israel. Hundreds of thousands of Arabs from other Arab countries then declared themselves “Palestinian refugees” in order to get handouts from the UN and other international relief organizations. The actual Palestinian Arabs became refugees for the same reason that ethnic Germans living in Eastern Europe became refugees after World War II: because they were on the losing side of the war of aggression launched by their own political leaders.  
5. Falsehood:  Israel is an apartheid regime and mistreats Arabs.  
Truth:  Israel is the only Middle East country that is NOT an apartheid regime. Arabs living under Israeli rule are the only Arabs in the Middle East who enjoy freedom of speech and of the press, free access to courts operating with due process, legal protection for property rights and the right to vote. Israeli Arabs have higher standards of education and health than any other group of Arabs in the Middle East. Israeli Arabs are quite simply the best-treated political minority in the Middle East and are in some ways better treated than are minority groups in many European countries. Israel is the only country in the Middle East that does NOT deal with Islamist terror through wholesale massacres of the people in whose midst the terrorists operate    
6. Falsehood:  Arabs engage in aggression and terrorism because Israel occupies territories.  
Truth:  Israel occupies territories (that had been controlled by Jordan and Egypt before 1967) because of Arab aggression and terrorism. Had the Arabs made peace with Israel after 1949, the West Bank and Gaza would have remained under the hegemony of Arabs and they could easily have erected a Palestinian Arab state there any time they wished. Instead, they attacked Israel in an attempt at genocidal extermination in 1967 and they lost.  
7. Falsehood:  The Middle East conflict is and has always been based on Israeli opposition to Palestinian self-determination.  
Truth:  The Middle East conflict is and has always been based on Arab opposition to Israeli-Jewish self-determination. There is one and only one cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict, even if that single cause is buried beneath an avalanche of media mud designed to obfuscate and confuse. That single cause is the refusal of the Arab world to come to terms with Israel’s existence within any set of borders whatsoever. The cause of the war is Arab refusal to come to terms with Jewish self-determination in any form whatsoever. The Middle East conflict is not about the right of self-determination of “Palestinian Arabs,” but rather it is about the Arab rejection of self-determination for Israeli Jews. For a century, the Arabs have attempted to block Jewish self-determination, using violence.  
No Palestinians before 1967 demanded any “homeland,” although they did demand that the Jews be stripped of theirs. That is because Palestinians are not a “people” at all and do not consider themselves such, any more than do the Arabs of Paris or of Detroit. Palestinians never had any real interest in their own state, and in fact rioted violently in 1920 when “Palestine” was detached from Syria by the European powers. Indeed the original term “Nakba” (“catastrophe” in Arabic and in leftist NewSpeak) was coined to refer to the outrage of Palestinians separated from their Syrian homeland. Immediately after the Six Day War a sudden need for a Palestinian state was fabricated by the Arab world, as a gimmick to force Israel back to its pre-1967 borders. Israel would then again be ten-miles wide at its narrowest, and so prepped for the new Arab assault of annihilation and genocide.  
The Arab world invented the “Palestinian people” so that it would serve the same role as the Sudeten Germans did in the late 1930s. That role was to provide a pretense of legitimacy for the war aims and aggression of a large fascist power. The term “self-determination” has been repeated as a rhetorical “inalienable right” for so long that few people recall that pursuing “self-determination” can also serve as a tool of aggression by barbarous aggressors and totalitarian powers. When Hitler decided to go on a war of conquest in the late 1930s, he dressed up his intentions in the cloak of legitimacy, merely “helping disenfranchised and oppressed people attain self-determination.”  He distorted the plight of ethnic Germans living in the Czech Sudetenland and elsewhere in Eastern Europe, inventing tales of mistreatment. In reality of course these ethnic Germans already had the option of “self-determination” within the neighboring, sovereign German nation-states, and in fact enjoyed far more freedom and rights than did Germans inside Germany. Germany’s invasion of Czechoslovakia was prepared through postured indignity over the mistreatment of Germans by Germany’s neighbors. Hitler insisted he was simply seeking to relieve the “misery of mistreated ethnic Germans,” supposedly suffering inside democratic Czechoslovakia. “Self-determination” was also the pretense when Germany attacked Poland and other countries.  
The Arab world decided that the “Palestinians” must play the role of Sudetens, serving as the political and moral pretense for Arab aggression and Islamofascist imperialism. The Arab fascists then misrepresent themselves as pursuing noble efforts at protecting a mistreated oppressed minority group of Arabs in need of “self-determination.”   
8. Falsehood:  Palestinian terrorism has been a response to Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, and as a response to Israeli settlements there.  
Truth:  Palestinian terrorism against Jews began in the 1920s, escalated in the 1930s, continued non-stop in the 1940s even in the midst of World War II, and reached heights of barbarism in the 1950s. All this was long before Israel “occupied” anything. The PLO was set up long before the Six Day War, meaning before Israel “occupied” the West Bank and Gaza, and before those areas held a single Israeli settlement.  
9. Falsehood: Israel has no right to build settlements in the West Bank.  
Truth:  Israel has as much right to build settlements in the West Bank as France has to build towns in Alsace and Lorraine, or as Poland has to build in areas that once held ethnic Germans. The Arabs launched a series of wars of aggression against Israel and lost. Aggressors who lose a war also lose territory. The bulk of Jewish “settlers” are actually Israelis living in the suburbs of Jerusalem that were constructed after 1967. A handful of small rural “settlements” have been constructed in empty West Bank lands from which no Arab civilians were evicted. In any real peace settlement, Jews would have as much right to live in the West Bank as Arabs have to live inside Israel. A peace accord that rules out such an arrangement would be no peace accord at all.  
10. Falsehood: The Middle East conflict continues because Israel refuses to share its land and resources with Palestinians.  
Truth:  The Middle East conflict continues because the Arab world refuses to share its land and resources with Jews. It is about the absolute refusal of the Arab world to acquiesce in the existence of any Jewish-majority political entity within any set of borders in the Middle East. The Arabs today control 22 countries and territory nearly twice the size of the United States (including Alaska), whereas Israel cannot be seen on most globes or maps. Arabs as an ethnic group control more territory than any other ethnic group on earth. They refuse to share even a fraction of one percent of the Middle East with the Jews, even in a territory smaller than New Jersey. Without the West Bank, Israel at its narrowest point is less than 10 miles wide, about the length of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. The main reason the Arab world demands that Israel relinquish the West Bank to Palestinian terrorism is so that it can be used to attack Israel again and so that Israel can at last be militarily annihilated. The Arab world controls such vast amounts of territory and such vast amounts of wealth (thanks to petroleum) that it could have created a “homeland” for Palestinian Arabs anywhere within its territories at any time.   
11. Falsehood:  Israel deals with Palestinian violence and terrorism using excessive disproportionate force.  
Truth:  The number of innocent Palestinian civilians intentionally killed by Israel is exactly zero. The number of civilians injured in Israeli anti-terror operations is tiny when compared with NATO and Allied military operations in Serbia, Bosnia, Afghanistan, or Iraq. Given the near universal support among Palestinians for terrorist atrocities against Jews, the self-restraint and moderation used by Israel in dealing with the threat has no precedent in the world. Israel’s own Arabs make little attempt to hide their open identification with the genocidal enemies of their own country and they by and large support the annihilation of the state in which they hold citizenship. No other democratic country facing such open sedition and identification with the enemy in time of war ever responded with anywhere near the same restraint as shown by Israel. In World War II, when faced with a far less-dangerous problem, the United States locked up its ethnic-Japanese domestic population in internment camps. Democratic Spain set up teams of death squads to deal with its separatist terrorists. Democracies in war have junked habeas corpus and treated their internal Fifth Columns as the enemy, with no hesitation or squeamishness.   
Democratic Czechoslovakia and India (as well as non-democratic countries throughout Eastern Europe) undertook wholesale expulsions of millions of members of their internal ethnic minorities who had sided with the enemy. Greece and Turkey and the two sections of Cyprus simply expelled altogether their minority populations. Israel, in contrast, operates affirmative action programs that benefit Arabs, finances Arabic-language schools in which Israeli Arabs preserve and develop their culture, over funds Arab municipalities, and turns a blind eye to massive Arab sedition and lawbreaking, including with regard to illegal mass squatting on publicly-owned lands. Israel is a Western democracy with a Scandinavian style social welfare system, the only democracy in the Middle East. It is hard to come up with words to mock satisfactorily the ludicrous nature of the complaints about Israeli “mistreatment” of Arabs. These complaints come from the very same people who are apologists for genocidal Islamofascist terrorist movements and for the Arab fascist states, regimes that are among the most barbarous and openly war-seeking on earth. The endless complaints about “human rights violations” of the “Palestinians” by Israel are a rhetorical part of the broader campaign of aggression against Israeli survival. Arabs living under Israeli rule are the world’s foremost illustration of “Moynihan’s Law,” which holds:  “The amount of violations of human rights in a country is always an inverse function of the amount of complaints about human rights violations heard from there. The greater the number of complaints being aired, the better protected are human rights in that country.”   
12. Falsehood:  Israel can achieve peace by trading “Land for Peace” and by relinquishing territories that it “occupies.”  
Truth:  Every time Israel relinquishes territory it “occupies” it triggers an escalation of terror and violence by Arabs against Jews. The main cause of anti-Israel terrorism today is the removal of Israeli occupation from Arabs. This is so obvious that it is a major intellectual challenge to explain why so few people understand it. Israel ended its occupation of the Gaza Strip in its entirety in 2004 and evicted all Jews who had been living there. The complete Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip produced a barrage of thousands of rockets aimed at Israeli civilians inside Israel (NOT in the “occupied territories”), a barrage that eventually forced Israel’s reluctant leaders to carry out the “Cast Lead” operation against Gaza terrorism. The Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon was unilaterally ended in the year 2000 by then-Israeli socialist Prime Minister Ehud Barak. The direct result of that fiasco was the launching of 4,000 Katyusha rockets from Lebanon against northern Israel in the summer of 2006, and several times that number now poised to strike Israel. The worst waves of Palestinian suicide attacks were directly triggered by the early Oslo withdrawals — before which there had been no suicide bombings. There can be no doubt that a complete Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank and a return to pre-1967 borders would trigger a massive rocket and terror assault against the remaining areas of Israel, launched from the "liberated" lands in the West Bank. The same thing would result from Israel relinquishing the Golan Heights to Syria.  
13. Falsehood:  The Zionist Lobby exercises excessive influence and dictates policies to the United States, protecting Israel from just criticism.  
Falsehood:  The anti-Zionist Lobby exercises excessive influence and dictates policies to the United States, protecting Palestinians, Arab fascist regimes, and Islamofascism from just criticism. While the media overflow with nonsensical talk about a “Zionist/Israel Lobby,” it would only be a small exaggeration to claim that there is no such thing at all. The anti-Zionist lobby binds together anti-Semites and fanatics, ranging from Islamists, to the radical Left to the Neo-Nazi Right. There is little today that separates anti-Zionism from anti-Semitism and I have never met an anti-Zionist who was not also an anti-Semite. (Jewish leftist anti-Zionists are the self-hating moral equivalents of Taliban John and Tokyo Rose).   
14. Falsehood:  The Middle East conflict can be resolved through “Two States for Two Peoples.”
Truth:  The “Two States for Two Peoples” idea is not a solution at all but simply a strategy for weakening Israel and forcing it behind indefensible borders. Right after “Two States for Two Peoples” would be implemented, the new “Palestinian state” would invite the rest of the Arab world to finish off what remains of Israel. Even the “moderates” within the PLO insist that any “Israel” left standing within “Two States for Two Peoples” must be flooded by Arab migrants and stripped of its Jewish majority, in effect converted to yet another Arab Palestinian state. The Arabs still condition any “two-state solution” on Israel agreeing to being flooded with Arab immigrants purporting to be Palestinians, so that it will morph demographically into the 24th Arab state. Israel obviously cannot agree. Israel would be blanketed in rocket and mortar fire from “Palestine” and waves of Arab terrorist infiltrators into Israel would raise the carnage to unprecedented levels.
That such a “two-state solution” will not end the conflict, but only signal the commencement of its next stage, has long been the quasi-official position of virtually all Palestinian groups. These have long insisted that any two-state solution is but a stage in a “plan of stages,” after which will come additional steps ultimately ending Israel's existence as a Jewish state. The “two-state solution” is no more realistic an option today than it was in 1948, when it was militarily squashed by the Arab states, terrorists, and armies. It is ultimately as much of an existential threat to Jewish survival in the Middle East today as the so-called “one-state solution,” favored by the anti-Semitic Left, in which Israel is replaced by a Rwanda-like bi-national entity controlled by Arabs, in which the Jewish problem will be resolved in a Rwanda-style manner.
Creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel would be a major step in the escalation of the Arab war against Israel's existence, even if that war is delayed for a brief time while the world celebrates the outbreak of a Potemkin “peace” in the Middle East produced by the end of Israeli "occupation" of “Palestinians.”  
Since the Oslo “peace process” began in the early 1990s, the working hypothesis endorsed by nearly everyone on the planet (including large numbers of IQ-challenged Israeli politicians) has been that the most urgent task at hand is to end the Israeli "occupation" of Palestinian Arabs. The problem is that ANY Palestinian state, regardless of who rules it, will produce nothing but escalated violence, terror and warfare in the Middle East, certainly not stability or peaceful relations. It will seek war with the rump Israel, and will seek to draw the entire Moslem world into that war. It will be indifferent to the economic and social problems of its own citizens.   
Humans seem to have a basic impatience with hearing the truth repeated over long periods of time. In an era in which technology, politics, and science change so rapidly, many consider it to be implausible that a statement that had been true 60 years ago could still be true today. Surely, they insist, explanations from the past, such as those of the Middle East conflict, must be obsolete by now, replaced with new updated “theories” and more-modern perceptions of reality.
The result of all this is pseudo-history, where people invent new “theories” about some of the most widely-accepted truths of history. No subject has been subject to quite so much pseudo-historic revisionism and denial of “out-of date” truths as the Middle East. George Orwell once said that the first duty of intelligent men is to restate the obvious. Obvious truths need to be restated because they are under assault by so many dishonest men.  
The Palestinians have no legitimate claim to a right to set up their own state, and creation of such a state would result in escalated warfare and bloodshed, not peace. There was never in history an Arab Palestinian state. Even if such a right ever existed, the Palestinians – like the Sudeten Germans - would have forfeited it thanks to decades of terrorism, savagery, mass murders and barbarism. Their pacification today requires re-imposing of martial rule by Israel and a thorough program of De-nazification.

The promotion of a “Two States for Two Peoples” solution has radicalized and Nazified most Israeli Arabs, who now identify with and openly support Arab parties and politicians openly calling for violence against Jews and for the destruction of Israel. The “solution” is a recipe for more bloodshed and strife.

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