Tuesday, August 18, 2015

A Yemenite Surprise in Siloam/Shiloah Village of Jerusalem Re-Posting One of Our First Pages - picture a day

  1. Yemenite Jew looks at his village in Silwan (circa 1901)
    The Shiloah Village outside of the Jerusalem Old City walls dates back to biblical days.  Its famous Shiloah spring was utilized for Temple libations.
    The caption on this Library of Congress photograph reads, "The village of Siloam [i.e. Siloan, Shiloah, Silwan] and Valley of Kedron, Palestine." But whoever wrote the caption, perhaps 110 years ago, missed an important fact.  The man standing above his village is a Jew from Yemen.
    The most famous Jewish Yemenite migration to the Land of Israel took place in 1949 and 1950 when almost 50,000 Jews were airlifted to Israel in "Operation On Eagles Wings -- על כנפי נשרים" also known as "Operation Magic Carpet."
    But another migration took place 70 years earlier in 1881-1882 when a group of Jews of Yemen arrived by foot to Jerusalem.  They belonged to no "Zionist movement." They returned out of an age-old religious fervor to return to Zion.
    The new immigrants settled on Jewish-owned property in the Shiloah Village outside of the Old City walls of Jerusalem.
    Jewish Yemenite family (circa 1914)

    The gentleman in the photograph above wears the distinctive Jewish Yemenite clothing of the time, according to a Yemenite expert today.
    The photo collection also contains portraits of Yemenite Jews, such as this family portrait from the early 1900s.  Look at the picture, presumably of three generations.  And realize that if that baby were still alive today, 100 years later, he would be the family elder of another three or four generations of Jews in the Holy Land.
    The Jews of Shiloah were the targets of anti-Jewish pogroms during the anti-Jewish riots in 1921 and again during the 1936-39 Arab revolt when they were evacuated by the British authorities.
    Jewish families returned to Silwan/Shiloah after Israel reunited the city of Jerusalem in 1967.

    PS. I have already had an interesting response from a descendent of a resident from the Shiloah village:
    לעניות דעתי התמונה של הגבר על רקע הכפר היא של יהודי חבאני ( יהודי חבאן היו גבוהי קומה)  ושל המשפחה נראה שהיא משפחה שעלתה מצנעא
    In my humble opinion, the man in the picture with the [Shiloach] village in the background is a Jew fom Habani (the Jews of Hamani were tall) and the family looks like a family that made aliya from Saana.

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  2. Old City landscape in 1900. The domed buildings
    were the Churva and Tifreret Yisrael synagogues
    When the Jews returned to the Old City of Jerusalem after the June 1967 war, they were shocked to find the synagogues they left behind destroyed and in rubble.  Some of the synagogues were hundreds of years old and were prominent features of Jerusalem's landscape, as shown in these pages in a previous photo essay on synagogue exteriors.  

    Today, we feature the interior of the Ohel Yitzhak Synagogue which was located in the Muslim Quarter (many Jews lived beyond the confines of the Jewish Quarter despite the supposed division of the Old City).
    Interior of the synagogue (circa 1900)

    Built in 1870 by Hungarian Jews, the synagogue was known as the Ungarin Shul, built inside the Shomrei HaChomos Kollel (Talmudic study center).  In 1904, a second story was added to the synagogue giving it a very prominent view of the Temple Mount 100 meters away. 

    The Arab riots in 1920 and 1929 threatened the Jewish community in the Old City, and their ties to the synagogue and yeshiva in the building were severely disrupted.
    The destroyed Ohel Yitzhak Synagogue

    The riots and pogroms of the Arab Revolt in Palestine (1936-1939) forced the Jewish congregants to abandon the synagogue in 1938.  The Jordanian Legion captured the Old City in 1948, and the building was destroyed.

    Ohel Yitzhak Synagogue today

    In 2008 the Ohel Yitzhak Synagogue was rebuilt and beautifully restored, under the sponsorship of the Moskowitz family of the United States.

    Today, the synagogue is administered by the Western Wall Heritage Foundation.

    Next in this series: The "Churva" Synagogue.

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  3. Students in a classroom (1898)
    In 1867, young residents of Jerusalem requested assistance from Jews in Europe in order to build outside the Old City walls. "We're not requesting charity," they wrote, "but work. Provide us the land, put in our hands the tools and send us the people who will teach us to work the land." 

    Mikve Yisrael (1898)
    The Mikve Yisrael Agricultural School was the result.  

    Founded in 1870 by Karl Netter of the French Jewish organization, Alliance Israélite Universelle, the school was allocated 750 acres by Palestine's Ottoman rulers. It was one of the first modern Jewish schools in Eretz Yisrael

    Children in Mikve Yisrael
    The Library of Congress caption labels the picture on the left as "Boy and shy girl in front of building" in Mikve Yisrael.

    We decided to draw out the girl from her shyness some 100 years after this picture was taken by enlarging the photo.  On the right are the two children, both wearing fezzes.

    Wine cellar (1898)
    Pictured here (left) is the Mikve Yisrael wine cellar, built in 1883.

    The montage of the
    two men.(Not from the
    Library of Congress

    The school was the location of the historic 1898 meeting between Theodore Herzl and the German Emperor, Wilhelm II.  Herzl requested the Emperor intercede with his ally, the Ottoman Sultan, to establish a Jewish state.  

    The famous picture of the meeting, however, is not real. The photographer (apparently not one of the American Colony photographers) "missed the shot" and created a photo montage instead.

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  4. Damascus Gate (circa 1860)
    The Jerusalem Old City's Damascus Gate, also known as the Nablus Gate (Sha'ar Schem), faces north toward those two cities.  It is part of the wall of the Old City built in 1540 during the reign of the Ottoman ruler, Suleiman the Magnificent.

    Archeologists found a Roman gate built by Hadrian in the second century, probably on the foundations of an even earlier gate.

    View "Gates" Part 1 - Zion Gate

    The gate is adjacent to the Old City's Muslim and Christian quarters. 
    Indian and British troops protecting
     the Gate, April 1920
    Anti-Zionist demonstration, March 1920

    Troops at Damascus Gate 1929

    Old City held by insurgents against
    British, 1938. Damascus Gate locked
    As the Library of Congress pictures illustrate, the gate was the frequent battleground between the British Mandate forces and the local Arab population.  The pictures were taken in 1920, 1922, and 1938 when the local terrorist gangs actually took control of the Old City.  In October 1938 the British recaptured the city, as the Mandate reportbelow states:  

    Troops retaking the Old City
    Oct. 1938
    During the month [October 1938], the arrival of strong military reinforcements brought about an improvement of the security position. The Old City of Jerusalem, which had become the rallying point of a large number of bandits and from which acts of violence, murder and intimidation were being organized and perpetrated freely and with impunity, was fully re-occupied by the troops on the 19th of the month. This was a successful, organized operation of considerable magnitude.
    Searching for weapons at Damascus
    Gate, Sept. 1938

    Damascus Gate today

    Click on the photos to enlarge. Click on the captions to see the originals.

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  5. Children of Gat and their puppies (1946)

    Goliath would not recognize the land of the Philistines and his home town of Gat, one of five biblical cities (along with Asheklon, Ekron, Gaza and Ashdod) that made up the Philistine kingdom in 1200 before the common era.  

    Known as the "sea people," the Philistines are believed to have originated in the Aegean Sea, particularly Mycenae.    
    American Colony caption: 1946
     Baby "Jews"  enjoying sun and
    open air in their birthday suits

    Kibbutz Gat 1946

     In 1942, Kibbutz Gat was established near the site of the Biblical Gat. 

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  6. Zion Gate (1860) by Peter Bergheim.  Note the
    smooth walls. Duringthe 1948 war fighting
     the stones of the Zion Gate were pock-marked
    from bullets and shells.
    The wall of Jerusalem's Old City that we see today was built in 1540 during the days of the Ottoman Sultan, Suleiman the Magnificent.  
    The location and name "Zion Gate" appear on maps dating back to the 12th century.  It is one of eight gates in the Old City Wall.  
    Expulsion of Jews from the Jewish Quarter in the 1948 War
    through the Zion Gate (John Philips for Life Magazine)

    Camels leaving "David's Portal"

    Located between Mt. Zion and the Jewish and Armenian Quarters, the gate was the setting for fierce fighting during the 1948 war.  A small Palmach force, commanded by David "Dado" Elazar (later IDF chief of staff in 1973), attempted to break through the gate on May 19 to relieve the beseiged Jewish Quarter.  They were met with stiff resistance by the Jordanian Legion and were forced to withdraw.

    On May 28, 1948 the Jewish Quarter surrendered.  Jews were evacuated through Zion Gate and didn't return until the city of Jerusalem was reunited 19 years later in the June 1967 war.
  1. Update -- more pictures found

    Zion Gate (circa 1898)  The photo was
    captioned "Jerusalem" with no further detail.
    While the American Colony photographic
    department was established in 1898, its
    founder, Elijah Meyer, was an active
    photographer prior to that date.
    Zion Gate (circa 1900)

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  2. ca 1900
    The "Jewish State" did not begin in 1948. It didn't even start with Theodore Herzl and the Zionist Movement in the late 19th century.

    Jews had always lived in the Holy Land, even after the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE.  Major portions of the massive scholarly work, the Talmud, were written over the next 400 years in Jewish communities, mostly in northern Israel.  Jews were present when Islamic armies captured the land and when Crusaders invaded.

    Great rabbis such as the Ramban (Nachmanidies) moved to Jerusalem in the 13th century.  Rabbi Isaac Luria established Tsafat as a Jewish center in the 16th century.  Rabbi Eliyahu ben Shlomo Zalman Kramer, the "Gaon of Vilna," sent 500 of his followers to the Holy Land in the early 19th century.  Mark Twain wrote of the many Jews he encountered in his visit to the region in the 1860s.
    ca. 1890 hand-painted

    Kotel, Western Wall 

    The first photographers recorded the faces of many of the Jews in Jerusalem in the late 19th and early 20th century, and some of the portraits are preserved in the Library of Congress collection.

    Jewish Women's old age home in Jerusalem

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  3. The daily 10:30 Jerusalem-Afula convoy
     leaving for the North. 1936
    Note the Jerusalem skyline in the background.

    Armored car preceding the daily
    Jerusalem-Afula convoy. 1936

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    1948 convoy ambushed (not from the Library of
    Congress collection)
    Visitors to Jerusalem today pass the skeletal remains of vehicles that fought to bring food and supplies to besieged Jewish Jerusalem during the 1948 war.  The brave convoys were described by a young correspondent from Boston, namedRobert F. Kennedy:
    The City of Jerusalem has more Jews than Arabs but the immediate surrounding territory is predominately Arab. Through part of that hilly territory winds the narrow road that leads from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. It is by this road that the Jewish population within Jerusalem must be supplied, but it is fantastically easy for the Arabs to ambush a convoy as it crawls along the difficult pass. On my trip from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem I saw grim realities of the fact.
    Long line of Jewish buses
     returning from funeral under
    police escort in Jerusalem. 1936.
    The picture is taken east of the
    Old City walls. Note Absalom's
     tomb in the center, Church of All
    Nations on the left
    The Arab ambushes of Jewish and British vehicles was a tactic already well-practiced in the 1936-1939 Arab Revolt in Palestine.  The British troops in Palestine provided armored escorts for the British and Jewish residents.

    Jewish convoy on Tel Aviv-Jerusalem  road
    escorted by police 1936

    Group of  (Jewish) Palestine
    Supernumerary Police with convoy
    on Tel Aviv- Jerusalem road 1936

    American Colony members' car blocked by an
    Arab roadblock near Huwara (1938)

    The April 1948 convoy that was left
    unprotected. The remains of the convoy
     to  Hadassah Hospital on Mt. Scopus.
    79 people were massacred. (not from
    Library of Congress collection)

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  5.  Ein Gev: Inside the settlement showing look-out tower
    with mounted searchlight (circa 1937).  The Golan
    Heights are the hills above.
    At the height of the 1936-1939 Arab Revolt in Palestine, rural Jewish communities were under attack from local Arab militias.  Ambushes were constant threats on the roads.  TheYishuv (the Jews of Eretz Yisrael prior to Israel's formation) was in danger of losing lands purchased and farmed, in some cases, for decades. 

    Girls of the settlement
     mending fishing nets
     In order to circumvent the British Mandate's restrictions on new Jewish construction and to challenge the Arab aggression, the Zionist pioneers devised Tower and Stockade - חומה ומגדל  fortified settlement projects, which were built overnight as defensive posts. The 52 projects developed into agricultural communities. Most of the villages were kibbutzim or moshavim communal settlements.
    Ein Gev pioneers, including Teddy Kollek (2nd from
    the right), later mayor of Jerusalem
    Ein Gev settlers at the armory
     inspecting rifles

    Pictured here is the community of Ein Gev, established in July 1937 on the eastern banks of the Sea of Galilee.  Ein Gev was a frontline community, facing Arab attacks in the 1930s and 1948 war.  Until the 1967 war, Ein Gev was constantly in the gunsights of the Syrian army located on the Golan Heights above the kibbutz. 

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  6. Original caption - 1898
    In July, we published "Nablus Road, Where History Marched."  We recently uncovered another photo, this one with the photographer's handwritten caption, "The [German] Kaiser passing our house [in the American Colony]."

    Compare this photo to the one  published last month.  It shows a Jewish man on the left watching the procession.

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  7. Joseph's Tomb, (circa 1900)
    Our first photo essays were actually an experiment to test the public's interest in these historic photographs.  We will periodically republish the first essays for our growing audience.

    Joseph's traditional burial site is in the city of Schem (Nablus).  Below are pictures taken in 1900. The originals are here andhere on the Library of Congress collection.  View another picturehere.
    The Ottoman Empire ruled the land of Palestine in 1900.  Ostensibly, the guard pictured at the tomb is an Ottoman policeman.

    Note how the tomb was located in an empty field.  Indeed, Jewish visitors to the tomb after the 1967 war remember it as a solidarity structure in a large field.

    Today, it is surrounded by Palestinian buildings.
    Ottoman guard at the Tomb (circa 1900)

    According to the Oslo Accords, the Palestinian Authority is obligated to safeguard holy sites and ensure free access to them. (Annex III, Appendix I, Article 32 of the Oslo 2 accord, signed on September 28, 1995.) The Oslo 2 accord (Article V of Annex I) also spells out specific arrangements concerning particular sites such as the Tomb of Joseph in Nablus, the Shalom al Yisrael Synagogue in Jericho, and the Tomb of Rachel near Bethlehem.

    During the 2000 Intifada, Palestinians razed the site.  It has subsequently been rebuilt, but Jewish visits to the tomb are irregular and must be conducted with IDF escort.
    Joseph's tomb surrounded by Palestinian buildings today

    The razing of the Tomb in the 2000 Intifada

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  8. Palestine disturbances 1936. Palestine Arabs at Abu 
    Ghosh taking the oath of allegiance to the Arab cause, 
     to fight Jewish immigration, etc. (Library of Congress caption)
    There are many reasons given for the start of the 1936 "Arab Revolt," an uprising of the Arabs of Palestine that would last for three years.  Among the reasons: 
    • Nationalist movements were active in surrounding countries of Iraq, Jordan and Syria and were influenced the Arabs of Palestine.  In their midst, another nationalist movement, Zionism, was thriving.
    • Anti-colonial fervor was directed against the British.  The British often responded with a brutality that fanned the radical flames.
    • The immigration of Jews in the 1930s and their purchase of land in Palestine alarmed the Arab nationalists.  They feared a demographic shift and sought to reverse the Balfour Declaration's goal of a Jewish national home in Palestine.
    • The Jewish manufacturing, farming, and social enterprises were seen as threatening to traditional Arab societies.
    • The Mufti, Haj Amin el Husseini, sought to ride a wave of fanatacism and anti-Semitism that would also sweep away his moderate Arab foes.
    • Many Arabs were caught up in the Fascist movements developing in Europe and the Middle East.
    Historians point to April 1936 as the start of the Arab campaign.  Jewish communities and vehicles were frequent targets.  The American Colony photographers documented many of the attacks against the British and Jews.

    Attacks against Jewish vehicles in 1936:
    Palestine disturbances. 1936. Jaffa. Jewish car
     burnt, occupant killed, April 19, 1936

    Remains of a burnt Jewish passenger
     bus outside Haifa, July 1936

    Palestine disturbances 1936.
     Two motor cars burnt on the 
    highway, owners Jews

    Future features:

    The Convoys of 1936

    The British Counterattack

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  9. Poor Jewish family of Aleppo
    (circa 1900)
    The photographers of the American Colony were a peripatetic bunch, traveling not only the length and breadth of the land of Palestine, but also to neighboring areas of Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq.   The American Colony photographers took pictures of Jewish communities as they traveled throughout the Middle East, including Alexandria, Damascus, Constantinople (Istanbul), and the Kifl (Iraq), the site of Ezekiel's tomb.

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    Aleppo Jews, another pose, with another
     baby on the lap, and sister (far left)
    still scratching her head

    The Jewish community of Aleppo may date back to Biblical days, with some claiming that it was Aram Tzobamentioned in the book of Samuel.  The classic Aleppo Codex was an ancient and complete text of the Bible cited by Maimonides as the most authoritative text. 

    Aleppo was the destination of many Jews expelled from Spain in the 15th century.  But Aleppo was no safe haven.  Pogroms and blood libels plagued the Jewish community. 

    The merchants of Aleppo and Damascus who traded along the spice and silk routes lost much of their business when the Suez Canal opened in 1869.  Jews emigrated to Palestine, South America and Europe.  Later, at the start of 20th century, the threat of forced conscription into the army led many families to leave, some to North America

    In 1947, after the UN partition vote, a pogrom devastated the Aleppo Jewish community. After Israel's founding, the Syrian Jewish community was severely persecuted.  Virtually the entire Jewish community left Syria in recent decades.  A large community of Syrian Jews lives today in Brooklyn, NY.

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  10. Scaling Masada's topmost cliffs.
    The climb above the ramp (c 1930)
     The famous Israeli archeologist Yigal Yadin didn't discover the desert fortress of Masada in his 1963-1965 archeological expedition.   It was discovered a century earlier.  

    Yadin role was to unearth Masada's many secrets.  

    On top of Masada
    Click on a picture to enlarge. Click on caption to view original.
    Scholars were familiar with the story of Masada from the works of the first century historian, Josephus Flavius, but only in 1835 did American scholar Eward Robinson look at the mountain with a keen eye:  "I could perceive what appeared to be a building and also traces of other buildings... Subsequent research leaves little room to doubt that this was the site of the ancient and renowned fortress of Masada."

    Other explorers examined the mountain in the 1850s and 1860s.
    According to Yadin, "the most profound and pioneering study of Masada was done by the German scholar Adolf Schulten, who was among the first scholars to spend a whole month at Masada in 1932.... His plans laid the foundation for the future study of the ruins."
    Roman camps and Dead
    Sea below (circa 1900)

    The way up to Masada

    Some of the Library of Congress photographs of Masada that appear here were taken around the same time as Schulten's expedition to Masada.

    If you want A Picture a Day delivered to your computer, just sign up in the "Subscribe Now" box in the right sidebar and click on "Submit." 

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  11. Many questions: Who, Why, Where?
    This report appeared in The Jerusalem Post Mazine today
    Among the thousands of very old and recently digitalized pictures from a Library of Congress collection of photos from Palestine, there is thiscaptivating picture.  
    All the Library of Congress caption tells us is that the picture was taken between 1910 and 1930 and that it is  a “Group of children and adults in procession in street, some holding a banner with a Star of David.”

    Click on a picture to enlarge. Click on caption to see the original.
    Who are the hundreds of children?  Why are the boys and girls separated?  Where are they marching to? Where is this picture taken? And why is there a tent compound on the left horizon?
    Photo analysis and comparison to an aerial photograph from 1931 and contemporary pictures indicate that the children are walking south on the Nablus Road (Derech Shchem) in the direction of the Damascus Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem. Behind them is the road that veers to the right toward Mt. Scopus.  The road leads to a neighborhood built around the grave of a High Priest named Shimon the Righteous  (Hatzadik) who lived in the days of the Second Temple. 
    The boys and girls come from ultra-Orthodox schools, evidenced by the boys’ hats and frocks. The girls are wearing ultra-Orthodox fashion: shapeless, modest smocks.  But wait, the second batch of girls, those behind the Star of David banner (might they be from a “Zionist” school?) are wearing more stylish dresses and hats.
    Enlargement of the army camp. Note the permanent
    structure surrounded by tents.
    The tents belong to a British army camp after they defeated the Turks in 1917 and were deployed along the northern ridges stretching from Nebi Samuel to the Mount of Olives. The compound appears similar to other British army compounds in Library of Congress photographs.  
    The day started off cool, and the girls have shed their sweaters.  It’s a warm Spring day, and from the shadows it’s probably around 2 PM. 
    Shimon Hatzadik's tomb today
    In fact, the day was Tuesday, April 30, 1918.  The procession is almost certainly an organized outing of several Jerusalem schools taking place on Lag Ba’Omer, four weeks after Passover.  Traditionally, on Lag Ba’Omer Jews flock to the Galilee mountaintop of Meiron to the grave of Shimon Bar Yochai, one of the most famous scholars in the Talmud.  But some 100 years ago, travel to Meiron would have taken days.  Instead, the children took a hike to Shimon Hatzadik’s grave, a known custom 100 years ago in Jerusalem.
    The parade route today (picture taken from the 8th floor
    of the Olive Hotel)

    Veteran Jerusalemite Shmulik Huminer wrote in his memoirs:

    “Anyone who could travel to Meiron on Lag Ba’Omer would go, and there take place miracles and wonders. But the residents of Jerusalem who couldn’t afford to travel to Meiron have as compensation the cave of Shimo Hatzadik located at the edge of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood north of the Old City.”
    Today, Lag Ba’Omer is a day when Jewish children still go out to parks and forests to celebrate.  In Jerusalem, many traditional Jews still visit Shimon’s grave. 
    Comparison of buildings from 1918 and today. Second stories
    were added to the buildings over the years.
    The houses around the grave where Jews lived 100 years ago were abandoned under threat of Arab pogroms in the 1920s and 1930s.  The Hadassah convoy massacre in 1948, in which almost 80 Jews were killed, took place on the road beneath the building with the very prominent arches.
     In recent years, however, Jewish families have returned to the Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood.

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  12. New era in Palestine. High Commissioner Samuel 
    arrives in Jaffa Port, June 30, 1920
    After defeating the Ottoman army in 1917, Britain sought to replace its military occupation of Palestine with civilian rule.  The first civilian High Commissioner of Palestine was a British Jewish politician named Herbert Samuel, appointed in 1920.

    Samuel and Colonial
    Secretary Winston Churchill
    planting tree on Mt Scopus
    Hebrew University site
    Already in 1915 Samuel submitted a proposal to establish a protectorate for Jewish rule in Palestine.  The proposal received scant notice at the time, but it served as a basis for the Balfour Declaration in 1917 in which "His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people."  The appointment of a practicing Jew and Zionist was opposed by some British politicians, the Arabs of Palestine and the British military leadership in Palestine.

    Samuel being received in Rishon Lezion, July 1920
    Soon after his arrival, Samuel met with Arab and Jewish leaders of Palestine and toured new Jewish towns and communities.  The pictures here are from his visit to Rishon Lezion, founded by Jews in 1882.

    During his five years in office, Samuel attempted to balance policies between Arab and Jewish demands, but some of his policies to appease the Arabs had disastrous results, such as his appointment of the radical anti-Semite Amin el-Husseini as Mufti of Jerusalem and his limiting of Jewish immigration to, and land purchases in, Palestine.

    Samuel's reception in Rishon Lezion 1920

    Samuel leaving Rishon synagogue 1920

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  13. Jew from Jerusalem (1889)

    The Library of Congress collection of photos from the Holy Land includes several collections by other photographers.  

    An Arab Jewess (1889)
    One such photo-grapher was the Italian-born Tancrede Dumas who opened a studio in Beirut in 1860 and filmed throughout the Middle East until 1890.

    We present two of his portraits today.

    Can anyone identify either of the two?

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  14. King David's Citadel today
    Part 1 of the King David Citadel feature, showing the Turkish control of the historical site, can be read by clicking here.

    The structure is one of the most famous landmarks in Jerusalem, standing like a sentry at Jaffa Gate.  But "King David's Citadel" as we know it certainly does not date back to King David's time. 

    The British-led "Gendarmerie" at the Tower of David

    When the British Army defeated the Turks in 1917, they acted immediately to restore order in Jerusalem.  The tower, stronghold and police barracks (known as the "Kishle") were almost immediately used for the reorganized military police.

    Allenby investiture

    The next photo depicts the "investiture" of honors and medals on General Edmund Allenby and individual soldiers.  The pictures of the investiture ceremony bear the conflicting dates of December 1917 as well as March 1918.

    During the Arab Revolt (1936-1939), attacks were carried out against British facilities and Jewish communities. The Old City was occasionally "conquered" by Arab gangs who took control of the Old City gates.  British military operations had to be launched to "lift the siege."

    The following pictures show the "war-like scene on the roof of the Tower of David" in 1938.
    On the roof of the Tower of David (1938)

    British snipers on David's Tower. Note their view of the 
    Temple Mount

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  15. Hussein's "palace" on the site of a bloody 1917 battle
    between the British and the Turks and on the site
    of King Saul's palace 3000 years ago
    News reports this week claim that the Waqf, the Muslim authorities of Jerusalem, sent earth-moving equipment and fencing in order to claim the hilltop in northern Jerusalem whereJordan's King Hussein started to build a palace in the 1960s.  The frame of the palace was erected, but construction stopped as war drums started to beat. Jordanian military bunkers and trenches were dug, and Jordanian M-47 Patton tanks were dispatched to the hill, called Tel el-Ful ("Hill of Beans").  The deployment of American-supplied tanks by Jordan's army was in violation of the weapons provision that restricted their use only to the east bank of the Jordan River.

    Turkish dead at Tel el-Ful

    Tel el-Ful's location and height have made it a strategic site for 3,000 years.

    When the 1967 war broke out and Jordan shelled the Jewish side of Jerusalem, the Israeli Defense Forces flanked the Old City from the north, capturing Tel el-Ful on their way to re-uniting Jerusalem.
    British burial party after burying
    Turkish dead

    But it was not the first time the Hill was drenched with blood.  Two weeks after the city of Jerusalem surrendered to the British army on December 9, 1917, the German commander unleashed a Christmas counterattack that was blocked at Tel el-Ful with heavy Turkish casualties, as documented in the Library of Congress photo collection.  It was the last gasp of the Turkish campaign in Palestine.

    The hill was also known as Gibeah/Givah, a Biblical town responsible for a near civil war in the early stages of the Israelites conquering the land of Israel.  King Saul established his court at the location for 38 years, earning the location's name "Givat Shaul." It also served as a Philistine redoubt.

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  16. Women at the Kotel (after 1921)
    Tonight marks the 15th day of Av in the Hebrew calendar -- Tu B'Av.  Traditionally, it's one of the happiest days in the Jewish calendar, commemorating various acts of reconciliation between tribes in the Bible. 

    Today in Israel the day is called Chag HaAhava -- Festival of Love -- a kind of Valentine's Day.

    In the days of the Temple, the Talmud explained, the day was the first day of the grape harvest, and unmarried girls of Jerusalem would dress in white garments and go out to dance in the vineyards to meet their future husbands. 
    Women at the Kotel (after 1903)

    אָמַר רַבָּן שִׁמְעוֹן בֶּן גַּמְלִיאֵל, לֹא הָיוּ יָמִים טוֹבִים לְיִשְׂרָאֵל כַּחֲמִשָּׁה עָשָׂר בְּאָב וּכְיוֹם הַכִּפּוּרִים, שֶׁבָּהֶן בְּנוֹת יְרוּשָׁלַיִם יוֹצְאוֹת בִּכְלֵי לָבָן שְׁאוּלִין, שֶׁלֹּא לְבַיֵּשׁ אֶת מִי שֶׁאֵין לוֹ. כָּל הַכֵּלִים טְעוּנִין טְבִילָה. וּבְנוֹת יְרוּשָׁלַיִם יוֹצְאוֹת וְחוֹלוֹת רוקדות בַּכְּרָמִים...

    Click on a picture to enlarge. Click on caption to view original.

    Women at the Western Wall (circa 1900)
    Note the Yemenite Jewish man on the right
    In honor of Tu B'Av we present pictures of women at the Western Wall.  A couple of interesting historical points can be seen in the pictures: 

    The women in these pictures were generally on the left side of the Kotel; after the 1967 war and Israel cleared the area in front of the Wall, women prayed on the right side.

    Because of restrictions originally imposed by the Ottoman authorities and demands by the Muslim Mufti of Jerusalem there were no physical partitions between the men and the women visible in these pictures. Any attempt to set up screens or bring chairs were met with protests and attacks.  The worshippers honored a separation of sexes.

    The writings on the Wall are memorial notices, often with dates of the subject's death.  The picture is obviously taken after the date on the wall and gives us an estimated date of the picture.

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  17. "Zionist agricultural zeal...Grandfather helping
     granddaughter to plow" circa 1920 in the Yizrael Valley
    One of the Zionist dreams was to take Jews out of the European ghettos and create a "new man" in the fields ofEretz Yisrael.  But the dream also meant a "new woman." 

    The photographers of the American Colony clearly enjoyed taking photographs of these women farmers and field workers.  Here we present several of the dozens in the Library of Congress collection.

    Click on a picture to enlarge. Click on caption to view original.
    "Foot of Carmel. Zionist girl farmers" collecting grapes
    Borochov. Girls' farm,
     Polish girl immigrant.
    Elsewhere named as
    "Davora Rushkin"

     Picking almonds in Rishon
    Lezion (circa 1920)

    "Maiden of Rishon Lezion" with basket
    of almonds

    Borochov. Girls' farm, feeding poultry

    "Nahalal Girls' Agricultural
    training school. Picking violets.  A better class citygirl  immigrant turning to

    If you want A Picture a Day delivered to your computer, just sign up in the "Subscribe Now" box in the right sidebar and click on "Submit." 

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  18. 1901, Jewish family in Damascus
    The American Colony photographers took pictures of Jewish communities as they traveled throughout the Middle East.  But they also obtained collections from other photographers in the region.  Some of those pictures, also part of the Library of Congress collection, are presented here.

    Damascus: The Jewish community of Damascus dated back to the Days of the Second Temple in Jerusalem.  Over the centuries, their numbers were supplemented by Jews who were expelled from Spain in 1492.  In the course of the 19th and 20th centuries, the Jews of Syria were persecuted by Ottoman and Syrian authorities.  Most of Syria's Jews emigrated to Israel or North America, and today the Jewish community is believed to be a tiny number.

    1898, Jewish Quarters in Alexandria, Egypt

    Alexandria: According to a Jerusalem Post article from 2008, Alexandria "is said to have boasted a community of tens of thousands of Jews of both Ashkenazi and Mizrahi descent, but some were expelled as French or British citizens during the Suez Canal crisis of 1956. Others were expelled and/or imprisoned for up to three years during the Six Day War. Some, too, left on their own accord, feeling that there was a brighter future for them as Jews in countries like Israel, America and Australia."
1898 Jewish Quarter in "Constantinople," today
called Instanbul

Constantinople:  The name of the Turkish city was changed from Constantinople to Istanbul in the 1920s, which explains the caption on this 1898 photo.

The Jewish community in Turkey also dates back millennia. Tens of thousands of Jews from Spain found refuge in Turkey in 1492.  The Ottoman Empire which ruled the Middle East for 400 years usually provided a safe haven for its Jewish residents, with occasional outbreaks of anti-Semitic episodes. 

Today, the Jewish community in Turkey numbers approximately 20,000, most in Istanbul.  The new Islamic policies of the current Turkish government may result in Jewish emigration, according to some observers.

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