Saturday, August 15, 2015

Restoration of 59 Jerusalem Synagogues - YJ Draiman

Restoration of 59 Jerusalem Synagogues

Jerusalem Synagogue Destroyed in 1948 to be Rebuilt

At a ceremony in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City, Israeli officials laid the cornerstone for the rebuilding of the Tiferet Israel Synagogue.
Founded in 1872, the Tiferet Israel Synagogue was, along with the nearby Hurva Synagogue, destroyed by the Jordanians during the Israeli-Arab war in 1948.
The Hurva Synagogue was beautifully rebuilt and rededicated in 2010, and now it’s the turn of the Tiferet Israel Synagogue.
Prior to the cornerstone-laying ceremony, Israel conducted an archeological survey of the land where Tiferet Israel sits and found artifacts dating to the First and Second Temple periods.
The cornerstone used in the ceremony was taken from the actual remains of the destroyed Tiferet Israel Synagogue.
Speaking at the event, Housing Minister Uri Ariel said, “Today we have triumphed in the laying of yet another building block in the development of Jerusalem, a symbolic point in the vision that continues to come true before our eyes: ‘Renew our days as of old,’” a reference to Lamentations 5:21.
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat added, “Today we lay the cornerstone of one of the important symbols of the Jewish community in Jerusalem. The Municipality attaches great importance to the preservation and restoration of heritage sites in Jerusalem, and we will continue to maintain the heritage of Israel in this city.”
Arab officials expressed outrage over what they called a further attempt to “Judaize” the city, and were especially concerned by the fact that the rebuilt Tiferet Israel Synagogue will sit higher than the Al Aqsa Mosque.

1 comment:

  1. 58 Synagogues in Jerusalem destroyed
    Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue was destroyed on 21st of May 1948.
    Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue was destroyed on 21st of May 1948.
    May 28, 1948: The Jewish quarter of the old city of Jerusalem falls to the Jordan Legion. The inhabitants were protected from the wrath of a lynch mob by the Legion under Abdullah Tell, and noncombatants were expelled to West Jerusalem.

    Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue before 1947.
    Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue before 1947.
    About 300 Haganah defenders were taken prisoner and sent to Jordan. The entire quarter including 58 of the 59 synagogues was demolished by the Arab mob despite efforts of the Legion.

    Synagogues in Gaza set on fire September 2005:


    «Hours after the Israelis left the settlement of Neve Dekalim, young Palestinians were tearing aluminum window frames and metal ceiling fixtures out of the main synagogue there, as fires burned inside. The Palestinian flag and the flag of the militant group Hamas flew from the roof … The Palestinian leadership said it respected places of worship, but did not want the responsibility of having to protect buildings that many Palestinians want to tear down as symbols of «Israel’s occupation».

    Source: (New York Times, September 12, 2005)

    200 Synagogues destroyed by Nazi-leader Adolf Hitler


    25,000 to 30,000 Jews were arrested and deported to concentration camps. More than 200 synagogues were destroyed and thousands of Jewish homes and businesses were ransacked. Hitler wanted to make a final end to the «Jewish and Communist occupation» of Germany and Jewish influence in Berlin.

    Source: (Kristallnacht: 9-10 November 1938):

    Israel have never denied access to Muslims and Christians to their holy sites in Jerusalem, after IDF liberated Jerusalem from Arab occupation i 1967.

    Before 1967, the Jews did not have free access to their Holy sites in East Jersualem.

    All Christians and Muslims should thank Israel for their grace, safety and protection in regards to their effort to safe guard Christian and Muslim interests in Jerusalem.

    And to all Jews and Christians: You will never be granted such freedom in any Arab nation.

    People of Israel: Do not give up your control over Jerusalem.
